Top => user_iface   Which user fields appear in which interface

Categories: Users  Interfaces 

Notes:  One row per field, per interface. For each interface, records which fields show up (are accessible) on which pages, how, and in what order. (This replaces the old way of handling the definition of the new user registration page.)

Name Type Index Null? Default
name varchar(240) I NULL field name (with 'iface' combines to make a primary key)
iface varchar(64) I NULL interface name (e.g. "CC51")
format varchar(64) NULL how an input field should appear: none, text-line, text-box, checkbox, pull-down, or upload
width int(11) NULL width of input field (for text-line or text-box)
choices mediumtext list of choices for pull-downs, separated by newlines
required int(11) NULL Is this field required for this interface? 1=yes
position float NULL order of fields for pages in this interface
label mediumtext Label that appears next to a field
on_reg int(11) NULL Should this field appear on a registration page?
on_public int(11) NULL Should this field appear on a public "display user" page?
on_self int(11) NULL Should this field appear on a page where the user can modify their own info?
on_mgr int(11) NULL Should this field appear on a page where a manager can see or modify another user's info?
macro varchar(255) NULL Name of macro to be applied to this data when it is displayed