Chapter 6: Index to CML Functions
[TOP] [PREV] [NEXT] This alphabetical index to the complete list of CML functions includes a very brief description of the purpose of each function.
- Functions marked with a * are "protectable" by $protect().
- Functions marked with a 5 are only in Caucus 5.
- Functions marked with a 4 are obsolete in Caucus 5, and may no longer work.
* $ad_author() set psuedonymn for response * $ad_resp() Add a response (obsolete) * $add_item() Add an item * $add_resp() Add a response $addtarget() adds TARGET field to HTML <A HREF...> tags where needed $admin_mail() Caucus Administrator e-mail $and() logical 'and' * $append() append text to a file $arg() argument to CML page $array() value of array cell $array_clear() clear an array $array_create() create array $array_delete() delete an array $array_eval() evaluate functions in an array cell $array_insert() insert a row/column in an array $array_remove() remove a row/column from an array $array_set() set a value in an array $array_size() size of an array $array_store() store an array to disk $asc2dec() decimal values of characters in string * $asynch() run shell asynchronously * $auth_cookie() Generate authentication cookie * $auth_method() Which authentication method is in use? * $auth_pw() Save/fetch user's password $between() a <= x <= b? $bit_and() bitwise and $bit_not() bitwise negation $bit_or() bitwise or $browser_format() browser language code $cache_clear() Clears (conference) cache * $cache_timeout() Set maximum age of (conference) cache $caucus_id() Caucus userid * $caucus_lib() caucus library directory * $caucus_path() caucus home directory $cell() reference array cell(s) $cells() reference array cell range $char() Convert decimal value to a single character $charval() Value of a character in a string $charvals() Values of characters in a string * $chg_author() Change author of item/response * $chg_resp() Change text of response * $chg_title() Change title of item $cl_list() get list of conference numbers $cl_name() get name of a conference $cl_num() get number of a conference name $cleanhtml() clean HTML filter * $clear_conf_var() Clear conf variable cache * $clear_item_var() Clear item variable cache * $clear_site_var() Clear site variable cache * $clear_user_var() Clear user variable cache $close() close open file $cml_dir() CML directory in URL $cml_page() cml file name * $cml_path() cml directory path $co_add() can users add new items? $co_change() can users change their responses? $co_greet() conference greeting text $co_intro() conference introduction text * $co_makeorg() add an organizer $co_org() userid of organizer $co_priv() map permission to integer * $co_remove() delete conference * $co_rename() rename conference $co_userlist() conference 'userlist' $conf_var() value of a conference variable $config() value of a swebd.conf Config parameter * $copy2lib() copy file to file library * $copyfile() copy files * $create_conf() create conference $dateof() convert time in seconds to full date form * $debug() debugging switch $dec2hex() decimal to hexadecimal conversion * $deldir() delete a directory & subdirs * $delfile() delete a file * $dirlist() list directory $disk_failure() disk-write error occurred? $divide() integer quotient of two numbers $dosfile() truncate to 8 char filename $dst() Daylight Savings Time in effect? $empty() is string empty? $encode64() Encode a file to base64 $epoch() convert date to epoch time $equal() test equality of two strings $errors() display accumulated error messages $escquote() escape double-quotes $escsingle() escape single quotes $eval() evaluate contents and 'throw them away' $exists() Does a file exist? * $file() include contents of file 'name' * $file_data() check contents of file against a range of values $find_filter() Display results of search $find_in_item() Search items for text $find_it() Search items for text (obsolete) $form() HTML forms data $gen_sort() alphabetic sort * $goodbye() make server exit in one minute $greater() A > B? 5 $group_access() numeric value of group permissions $groupperm() numeric value of group permissions 5 $group_update() Update groups table after rules change $gt_equal() A >= B? $h2url() translates plain URLs in HTML to <A HREF...> tags $hex2dec() hexadecimal conversion $host() host name $http_accept() file types accepted by browser * $http_lib() URL of Caucus library $http_referer() page(s) that led to this page $http_remote_user() access authorization user id $http_user_agent() browser name $if() if/else expansion $ifthen() if/then expansion $in_group() user in group file? $inc() argument to include file $includecml() include CML file $is_passwd() Is there a password changer? $it_cnums() list of conferences user is member of $it_exists() does item exist? $it_frozen() is item frozen? $it_hidden() is item hidden? $it_howmuch() how much seen by a user? $it_icount() actual number of items $it_iforgot() number of forgotten items $it_inew() # of new items in conference $it_iunseen() number of unseen items $it_join() make user member of conf $it_last() last item in conference $it_lastresp() last undeleted response in item $it_listinew() list of new items in conference $it_listiunseen() list of unseen items $it_listrnew() list of new responses in conf. $it_member() user member of conference? $it_new() Is item new? $it_newr() First new response to item $it_pack() inverse of $it_parse $it_parse() parse list of items $it_resign() remove user from conf. $it_resps() Number of responses to item $it_rnew() total # of new responses in conf. $item_sort() sort by title, author, date $it_unseen() Is item unseen? $it_visib() Is item visible to current user? $it_wnew() # of items with new responses $item_var() value of an item variable * $jshell() japanese shell command $lice_act_users() actual # users $lice_confs() maximum number of confs $lice_customer() license customer number $lice_expires() epoch time at which license expires $lice_max_users() total # users allowed $lines() extract lines from string * $list_conf_var() list conf variables * $list_item_var() list item variables * $list_site_var() list site variables * $list_user_var() list user variables $less() A < B? * $lock() cooperative advisory locking mechanism $lower() convert to lower case * $mac_define() macro definition $mac_expand() macro expansion $max() maximum of A and B 5 $mgr_in_group() Manager in a particular group? * $mgr_list() get list of managers 5 $mgr_groups() manager groups user belongs to $min() minimum of A and B $minus() subtract two numbers $mkdir() Create a directory $mult() product of two numbers $my_exist() does this user exist? $my_intro() brief introduction of current user $my_laston() date user last on caucus $my_name() name of current user $my_phone() telephone of current user $my_text() when does my text appear new? * $new_win() set size of windows created by $t2url() $newline() produce 'newline' character $not() logical 'not' $not_empty() is string non-empty? $not_equal() test equality of two strings $numeric() is a word a number? $num_sort() numerical sort * $open() open a file $opsys() host server operating system $or() logical 'or' * $output() redirect HTML output $pad() provide blank padding $page_caller() get caller of a page $page_get() value of saved page reference $page_return() return to a saved page $page_save() save page reference $page_flush() flush output so far to swebsock $pagetime() value of PageTime parameter in swebd.conf * $passcheck() Check id and password * $passwd() change user's password $peo_members() list of members of conference $peo_names() find people by name * $per_delete() delete person $per_intro() person's brief introduction $per_lastin() time last in a conf $per_laston() date/time person last on caucus $per_name() person's name $per_phone() person's telephone $per_real() real name of userid $pid() swebs process id $plus() add two numbers $plusmod() a + b modulo x $protect() Allow only safe CML functions * $pw_add() Add a userid * $pw_change() Change a password * $pw_delete() Delete a userid * $pw_verify() Verify correct password $pw_methods() Available password authentication methods $pw_source() Source of current user's password authentication * $pw_can_add() Can we add a userid? * $pw_can_change() Can we change a password? * $pw_can_delete() Can we delete a userid? * $pw_can_reset() Can we "reset" passwords? * $pw_can_verify() Can we verify correct password? $quote() "Quote" words as one word $quotient() real number division $random() random number $re_author() Author of response $re_copied() Information about copied response $re_copier() Userid that copied this response $re_bits() response property bits $re_delete() delete item or response $re_epoch() resp time in seconds $re_exists() Does response exist? $re_owner() Owner of response $re_prop() Property number of response $re_text() Text of response $re_time() Date/time response written $re_title() Title of item * $readfile() read contents of file $readln() read line from file $readterm() read a line from user's terminal $reloaded() was this page just reloaded? * $rename() rename file $replace() replace all A's with B's $request_uri() current page URL (after hostname) $rest() remaining words in a string $reval() Recursive CML evaluation $rhtml() see $safehtml $round() round real numbers $safehtml() Text -> safe HTML (obs) $search_filter() Display results of search $search_it() Search items for text $set() set a string * $set_browser_format() set browser language code * $set_co_add() control users adding new items * $set_co_change() allow changing responses * $set_co_userlist() set text of conference 'userlist' * $set_conf_var() set value of conference variable * $set_it_frozen() freeze or thaw item * $set_it_hidden() hide or unhide item * $set_it_seen() Mark responses seen * $set_item_var() set value of an item variable * $set_my_intro() set user's brief introduction * $set_my_name() set current user's name * $set_my_phone() set current user's telephone * $set_my_text() set when text appears new * $set_per_intro() set a person's brief introduction * $set_per_join() make a person a member of a conference * $set_per_name() set a person's name * $set_per_phone() set a person's phone * $set_site_var() set value of a site variable * $set_user_var() set value of a user variable * $set_wrap() control paragraph wrapping * $shell() run shell command * $silent() run shell command quietly $sizeof() number of words in a string $sleep() sleep for N seconds * $sql_query_close() Close an open query * $sql_query_count() Return # of rows affected by query * $sql_query_open() Execute an SQL query * $sql_query_row() Read rows from a query * $sql_query_select() Quickly evaluate SQL SELECT query * $sql_sequence() Return next number in an SQL sequence $str_index() find string in other string $str_replace() search and replace strings $str_revdex() reverse find string $str_sub() extract a substring $strlen() length of string $t2amp() escape &'s $t2esc() escape & < > $t2hbr() Text -> lines with <BR>'s $t2html() Text -> formatted HTML $t2mail() translate to e-mail URL $t2url() Text -> URL's with 'hot' links $tablefind() find a word in a string $time() current epoch time value * $timeout() set swebs Timeout parameter $timezone() difference between local time and UTC $triplet_sort() sort item triplets $unique() return a unique number * $unlock() unlock locks granted by $lock $unquote() undoes effect of $quote() $unhtml() Remove HTML tags from string $url_decode() decode url-encoded text $upper() convert to upper case $upper1() uppercase 1st letter $user_var() value of a user variable $userid() user's userid $userids_byname() find userid from name(s) $userids_byid() find userid from id substring $variables() display names and values of all variables $version() software version number $weekday() day # of week $width() number of characters $word() N'th word of a string $wordpos() character position of a word in a string $words() subset of words of a string $wrap2html() wordwrap text -> HTML $wraptext() wordwrap text * $write() write text to a file $writeln() write text to file $xmlesc() "Escape" text to be used in XML * $xshell() comprehensive shell access