Top => quizproblems   Each problem has a unique key (pkey); each row represents a single problem.

Categories: Quizzes 


Name Type Index Null? Default
pkey int(11) ++ PK No
owner varchar(240) I NULL userid of original creator
category varchar(120) NULL General category of problem (arbitrary text)
title varchar(240) I NULL Name or short description of problem.
text mediumtext Actual text of problem. May include uploaded files, as per Caucus response (text contains macros which link to files)
texttype varchar(20) NULL type of answer, drives type of form element needed to input answer: choose 1 (radio), choose N (checkboxes), menu (pulldown), number, short text, long text
totalpoints int(11) NULL
deleted tinyint(4) '0'
floating int(11) '0' 0=>tabular layout (columns); 1=>"floating" (flowing)
reference varchar(255) NULL