Caucus 5.1 Optional OpenId Integration
Last revision: 15 February 2010
I. Introduction
OpenId ( is a sort of mass single-signon project
that is widespread, open-source, convenient, and relatively safe.
It involves using a (or setting up your own) OpenId server, that
users login to. Once there, their browser gets a cookie that
OpenId-compliant applications can use to detect a valid login has
already occurred, and take users straight into the application
w/o further authentication.
Caucus supports OpenId's, although it requires some additional
software packages and configuration. This document describes
the precise steps involved.
II. Install optional development packages
Depending on your specific linux/unix distribution, you
may need to install some optional development packages
and libraries. For example, on a vanilla CentOS 5.4
distribution, it was necessary to do these additional
yum install gcc-c++.i386
yum install openssl.i386
yum install openssl-devel.i386
yum install curl-devel.i386
yum install expat-devel.i386
yum install libtidy-devel.i386
yum install httpd-devel.i386
yum install sqlite-devel.i386
yum install pcre-devel.i386
yum install mysql-devel.i386
III. Install Libopkele
Download and install a 2.x version of libopkele from
You may need to add the (generated) libopkele.pc to the
PKG-CONFIG_PATH. For more information, execute the command
pkg-config libopkele --libs
IV. Install the Apache module mod_auth_openid, from
V. Configure your Caucus Apache virtualhost to use
mod_auth_openid. Assuming, for example, that you have
installed Caucus in /home/caucus, then your virtualhost
file would contain something like this:
DocumentRoot /home/caucus/public_html
ScriptAlias /openid/ /home/caucus/OPENID/
ScriptAlias /swebs/ /home/caucus/SWEB/
ScriptAlias /reg/ /home/caucus/REG/
ScriptAlias /caucus/ /home/caucus/REG/start.cgi/
ScriptAlias /caucus /home/caucus/REG/start.cgi
Options All
AllowOverride All
allow from all
Options All
AllowOverride All
allow from all
AuthOpenIDEnabled On
AuthOpenIDLoginPage /openid.html
Note in particular the /openid/, /home/caucus/OPENID,
and AuthOpenID... parts.
VI. Using Caucus with OpenId.
Just point your browser at,
and login via the (lower) OpenId box. This assumes that
you already have an OpenId from an OpenId identify provider.
VII. Setting up your own OpenId provider.
This is outside the scope of this document, however, you
can find details for one way of setting up an OpenId
provider at