Chapter 4.10: Person Information
[TOP] [UP] [PREV] [NEXT] Another family of functions provides information about a particular person who is registered with Caucus. All of these functions begin with "$per_" or "$set_per_".
- $per_name(id)
- Evaluates to the full name of the person with userid id.
- $per_intro(id)
- Evaluates to the text of the "brief introduction" of userid id.
- $per_phone(id)
- Evaluates to the telephone number of userid id.
- $per_laston(id)
- Evaluates to the date and time that userid id was last on (last using) Caucus.
- $per_lastin(id cnum)
- Evaluates to the date and time that userid id was last in conference cnum. Evaluates to an empty string if id is not a member of the conference.
- $per_real(id)
- Evaluates to the "real name" (as registered in the server host system password file) of user id. If there is no "real name", it evaluates to the empty string. (Note: this function is only meaningful when the Web userids are derived from the system password file userids. See the Caucus Installation Guide for more information.)
- $per_delete(id) {protected}
- Delete the Caucus userid id. (Requires MGR_RMID manager bit). Evaluates to 0 on success, -1 if not allowed, and 1 on other error (such as userid does not exist).
Note that this only deletes the information about user id. To delete the actual userid & password entry, see $pw_delete().
- $set_per_name(id name) {protected}
- Changes userid id's name to name. (Creates the new user if s/he does not exist.) Requires either MGR_MKID manager bit, or current user = id. Evaluates to 1 on success, or 0 on failure. (Fails if attempting to create a new user, and the maximum total number of users for this license has been reached.)
- $set_per_phone(id phone) {protected}
- Changes userid id's telephone number to phone. Requires either MGR_MKID manager bit, or current user = id.
- $set_per_intro(id text) {protected}
- Changes userid id's brief introduction to text. (May be set to nothing). Text may contain newlines. Requires either MGR_MKID manager bit, or current user = id.
- $set_per_join(id cnum) {protected}
- Make userid id a member of conference cnum. Evaluates to '1' on success, and 0 otherwise. Requires either MGR_MKID manager bit, or current user = id. Fails if id is not allowed to join cnum.