NYIT "student-only" interface Charles Roth, 10 May 2004 SUMMARY: As part of the recent package of Caucus improvements for NYIT, we have defined an "instructor" interface and a "student" interface. The student interface restricts which personal information and settings the user can change. DETAILS: An instructor is anyone (any Caucus userid) that has manager privileges, or has organizer or instructor privileges in *any* conference. Everyone else is a "student". All users in this scenario enter Caucus through a common URL, that points to the "intstructor" interface. (Initially set up on NYIT's host as CC44COURSE.) The interface code detects if the user is a student, and if so, immediately switches them to the student interface, initially called STU. This switch is accomplished by a single custom CML file, called local_iface.i. It is placed in an "override" directory (e.g. main.1, or main.2, etc.) for the interface. (So for the CC44COURSE interface, it is placed in /netinfo/caucus/CML/CC44COURSE/main.1). The text of that file follows: eval $mac_define (is_instructor \$includecml(\$(main)/isinstructor.i)) if $not (%is_instructor()) set iface STU set main $(iface)/main set help $(iface)/help end This same file can be placed in the override directory for *any* other interface, and then will have exactly the same effect, i.e. anyone who enters it (who is not a manager, organizer, or instructor) will be immediately switched to the STU interface. STUDENT INTERFACE The STU interface restricts which personal information & settings can be changed in two ways: 1. A manager restricts the personal information that can be changed through the manager / users / "modify ... registration interface" choices. Changing personal information fields can be disabled by un-checking the box for a field under the "C" (change) column. 2. Which settings can be changed is controlled by another override file, this time in the STU/main.1 directory. The file is called localswitch.i. It controls which options appear in section III of the personal information page (where you go when you click on your own name). The text for this file for the STU interface, which is intended to allow *only* changing the text editor selection and parameters is: set me3options ebox boxwide boxhigh wordwide wordhigh