Chapter 4.7: String & Date Manipulation
[TOP] [UP] [PREV] [NEXT] This page contains subsections on translations, line manipulation, word manipulation, character manipulation, and dates.
- 4.7.1 Translations
- $upper(words)
- Converts all the text in words to upper case.
- $upper1(words)
- Converts the first letter of each word in words to upper case.
- $lower(words)
- Converts all the text in words to lower case.
- $quote(words)
- Treats all of the words as a single word. It evaluates to the string words, with all of the blanks, tabs, and newlines replaced with non-printable control characters. This function is useful in several different circumstances:
- When comparing two multi-word strings, as in:
$equal ($quote (string1) $quote (string2))
- To combine several words as one argument to the include directive, as in:
include file.i $(cnum) $quote(conference description)
- To supply a multi-word string to a function that specifically expects a $quote'd string, such as $add_resp().
- For complicated $if() functions, such as
$unquote ($if (condition $quote(then some multi-word text) \ else some multi-word text))- $unquote(words)
- Undoes the effect of $quote() when explicitly necessary. I.e. $unquote ($quote (words)) evaluates to the original, unmodified words.
- 4.7.2 Line manipulation
The first line in a string is line number 1.
- $lines (n count str)
- Evaluates to the first count lines of string str, starting with line number n. Lines are separated by newline characters. If count is -1, it uses all the remaining lines in str.
- 4.7.3 Word manipulation
The first word in a string is word number 1.
- $set (a b)
- Sets the variable named a to the string b. Evaluates to nothing. Equivalent to the Set directive, but usable as a function.
- $words (n count str)
- Evaluates to the first count words of string str, starting with word number n. Words are separated by one or more spaces (or tabs, newlines, or Kanji double-wide spaces). The first word is word number 1. If count is -1, it uses all the remaining words in str.
- $word(n str)
- Evaluates to word number n of string str. Equivalent to $words (n 1 str). If n < 0, evaluates to the n'th word from the end. Thus "$word (-1 str)" is the last word in str.
- $rest(n str)
- Evaluates to the "rest" of the words in a string, i.e. word number n through the end of str, inclusive. Equivalent to $words (n -1 str).
- $tablefind(word str)
- Look for word in str. If it is identical to a single word, evaluate to the number of that word in str. Otherwise '0'. (Note that $tablefind() effectively reduces all strings to lowercase before checking "identical to". This may have originally been a bug.)
- $tablematch(word str)
- Look for word in str. If it is identical to a single word, evaluate to the number of that word in str. Otherwise '0'. (This function does not convert to lowercase first.)
- $sizeof(str)
- Evaluates to the number of words in string str.
- $numeric(str)
- Evaluates to 1 if the (first word of) str is a number, and 0 otherwise.
- $is_num(str)
- Evaluates to the position of the first character in str which is not a number. (A leading minus sign is considered to be part of a number.)
- 4.7.4 Character & Position Manipulation
The first character in a string is character number 0.
- $pad(num)
- Evaluates to num blanks. Generally only useful inside <PRE> text.
- $newline()
- Evaluates to a newline character. Useful inside arguments to functions such as $t2hbr(), $ad_item(), etc.
- $replace(a b c)
- Each of the strings a and b must either be single characters, or else the (two or more digit) base-ten numeric representation of a single character. $replace() evaluates to string c, but with each instance of character a replaced by character b.
- $asc2dec(text)
- Converts text to a space-separated string of decimal numbers, representing the value of each character in text.
- $wordpos(n str)
- Evaluates to the character position in str of word number n.
- $str_index(what text)
- Find the first occurrence of the (one-word) string what in string text. Evaluates to position number of what in text. (The first position is 0.) Evaluates to "-1" if not found.
- $str_replace(orig replace text)
- Evaluates to text, with all all instances of orig replaced with replace. $str_replace() automatically "unquotes" its first two arguments, so that multiple word orig or replace strings may supplied by $quote()ing them.
- $str_revdex(what text))
- Find the last occurrence of the (one-word) string what in text. Evaluates to position number of what in text. (The first position is 0.) Evaluates to "-1" if not found.
- $str_sub(pos len text)
- Evaluates to a substring of text, starting at position pos, len characters long.
- $strlen(text)
- Evaluates to the number of characters in text.
- $width(str)
- Evaluates to the width (equivalent number of single-width characters) of str. Double-wide kanji have a width of 2.
- $charval(pos string)
- Returns the decimal value of the pos'th character in string. The first character in string is at position 0. Positions beyond the end of the string return a character value of 0.
- $charvals(string) (v4.41)
- Evaluates to the decimal values of every character in string, separated by (leading) spaces.
- $char(cval)
- Evaluates to the ASCII character with decimal value cval. For example, $char(97) is the letter a.
- 4.7.5 Dates
- $epoch(date)
- Date must be a date of form DD-MMM-YY[YY]. The function evaluates to its equivalent "epoch" time, i.e. the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. (See $time().)
- $dateof(time)
- Evaluates to the date form (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM) of an "epoch" time in seconds.
- $weekday(time)
- Evaluates to the number of the day of the week (Sunday=0, Monday=1, ... Saturday=6) of an "epoch" time in seconds.