Chapter 4.8: Conference List Information
[TOP] [UP] [PREV] [NEXT] There is a family of functions that provide basic information about conferences. All of these functions begin with "$cl_", to indicate that they refer to information about a list of conferences ("cl", as in conference list).
- $cl_list(names)
- Evaluates to a list of conference numbers. If names is empty (i.e., nothing), $cl_list() evaluates to the list of all conferences on the host. If names contains one or more words, $cl_list() evaluates to the list of conferences that match any of the words in names. Example:
for cnum in $cl_list(web x)
$cl_list() becomes the list of all conferences whose names start with "web" or with "x". (The "for" loop thus sets cnum to each such conference number in turn.)
- The list of conference numbers is sorted, not by number, but by the name of each conference, regardless of the order of the arguments to $cl_list().
- The rest of the $cl_ functions require that $cl_list() have been called at some time during the session with the relevant conference name (or no names at all).
- $cl_num(name)
- Evaluates to the number of the conference whose name matches name. (An abbreviation is a match). Name must have been in the list of conferences generated by any use of $cl_list().
Evaluates to "0" if name does not match any conference.
- $cl_name(num)
- Evaluates to the name of conference number num. The name will always be in lower-case. $cl_list() must be called before $cl_name() can be used.
- $cl_access(num [uid])
- Evaluates to user uid's access level to conference num. Prior to Caucus 4.6, a value of 3 means the user has organizer access, 2 means full "include" access, 1 means read-only access, and 0 means the user has no access (is excluded from) the conference, or that num is 0. Codes less than 0 are errors: -1 means the conference does not exist, -2 means a system error. Starting in version 4.6, the values returned by $cl_access() match those from $co_priv(); use that function instead of hardcoded values to determine access permissions. If uid is not specified, it is assumed to be the current userid (value of $userid()).
- $cl_visible(num)
- Evaluates to 1 if the conference is visible to this user, else 0. (Does not include effect of manager permission bits). Note the distinction from $co_visible(), the absolute visibility.